10 tips for managing your time with mindfulness

Scott Wagner
Scott Wagner Online
Dec 21, 2016


  1. Overcoming the tyranny of the present. Pick up your head and look into the future.
  2. Ask, “Is this really even necessary?”
  3. Push your calendar reset button.
    * What’s most important to get done today?
    * Recognize the things that still have to be done.
    * Schedule distractions to a future time.
  4. Understand and set your operating schedule.
  5. Schedule the most important rocks first.
  6. Give yourself time for unconscious thought.
  7. Set boundaries and guidelines.
  8. Use yes and no strategically. Avoid a mindless yes.
  9. Tame the distraction dragon.
  10. Consider your impact. People are taking their cues from you.



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